Internationl Minimum Industry Safety Training

IMIST online is an interactive e-Learning training program that works by assessing the safety knowledge of an oil and gas worker during a random sequence of assessment questions. At the end of this assessment, which is completed under time-bound conditions, the program will automatically and dynamically assemble a unique course for each individual based on their knowledge gaps identified in the pre-assessment. The learner is then presented with this content and the relevant summative assessment questions. This process is repeated until the learner has managed to answer all the assessment questions correctly. A 100% pass mark is required to complete the IMIST program.

Key Topics

Key Topics

  • Introduction to the Hazardous Environment
  • Working Safely & Safety Observations Systems
  • Understanding the Risk Assessment Process
  • Tasks that require a permit to work
  • Personal Responsibility in Maintaining Asset Integrity
  • Using Manual Handling Techniques Every Day
  • Controlling the Use of Hazardous Substances
  • Knowledge and Processes of Working at Height
  • Being Aware of Mechanical Lifting Activities



No pre-requisites are required.

: 4 years

Bookings:  [email protected]

