Tropical Further Offshore Emergency Training with Compressed Air Emergency Breathing System

To provide further offshore safety and emergency training for personnel working in the offshore oil and gas environment where water temperate is 15 degrees Centigrade or higher

Key Topics

OIS-84 – Further Helicopter Safety and Escape – Tropical OUTCOMES

  1. Helicopter Safety and Escape Techniques
  2. Practical Helicopter escape techniques


OIS-276 – Helicopter Emergencies OUTCOMES

  1. Use of Compressed Air Emergency Breathing System (CA-EBS)
  2. Use of Compressed Air emergency Breathing System (CA-EBS) (Practical in a dry environment)
  3. Practical Helicopter Escape
  4. CA-EBS Training ) In-Water


OIS-74 – Further Fire Fighting and Self Rescue

  1. Raising the Alarm and operations of hand-help extinguishers
  2. Self rescue Techniques


OIS-75 – Further Emergency First Aid

  1. Emergency First Aid
  2. Immediate First Aid techniques


Must be a holder of a valid BOSIET, TBOSIET, FOET or T-FOET certificate


Cost includes Mid-morning Snack, Lunch, Coffee/ Tea/ Soft Drinks.

Due to the physical demands of the course, it is the responsibility of the employer and participant to assess the participant’s ability to safely attend the Course.